Thursday, August 12, 2010

August/ Sept Things to Do

Well, it is fall in Korea and that means festival time. Actually it seems there is always a festival of some kind going on. Some festivals that happen close to Daejeon are the Nangye/Grape Festival in Yeongdong, the Geumsan Genseng Festival in Geumsan, and the Baekje Festival in Gongju and Buyeo. I have links in the link section for all of these and some sports information as well. Other items to follow will be more on places to visit in Daejeon like the National Science Museum, O-World (the zoo), and some parks you might like to visit.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Hello all!

If you are here you have chosen to check out my Korea travel and event blog. As you might guess from the name of the blog I live in Daejeon, South Korea but this site is not just about Daejeon. I hope to help folks know and share about happenings around Korea including sporting events, festivals and places to visit in and around Daejeon. It seems to me there is a lot of information about Seoul already out there so I am not going to devote much time to promote things there. Please feel free to advise about things going on that I may not have anything about as the more information we have the better. If you have lived in Korea for any time you know that getting information about activities can be hard to come by at times. I am always taken back when a Korean staff person at my work asks if I went to something that happened the week before without ever telling me about it in the first place. Anyway, I will attempt to help, if in only a small way, to help expats and visitors to Korea know of happenings in our area.