Around Korea

Many people ask about places to go site seeing and such so here is the place for information about outside Daejeon. Korea is a beautiful country and should be seen from car or motorcycle for the best experience.  If motorcycles are out of the question there are many car rental places that are reasonable if you are sharing expences or have a family. 

I have traveled the country-sides and am always amazed by some new site or cultural experience. Recently I was riding and found myself in a small farming village. As is usually the case a farm village will grow several crops including rice, soybeans and other grains. depending on the conditions like altitude, soil composition and irrigation. Crops will include grapes, apples, peaches among others.  The village I visited had harvested their rice crop and persimmons were drying in barns (see pictures). Several of the village folk were busy planting a new crop, sorry I am not sure what, and it was a great pleasure to 'meet' them and witness the process involved in their planting. They had a good laugh as I snapped pictures and asked questions about what they were doing. No, I don't really speak Korean but have enough of a vocabulary and great body language to ask rudimentary questions.  

It is small adventures like this one that make life in Korea so interesting.  When I tell Korean staff at my school about someplace I have found or some new experience they ask how I found such things and I always reply that I just drove there on my motorcycle. They are amazed at my bravery for exploring without clear directions or even an idea of where I might be going. It is the way I explore.  Little planning or preparation have led to lots of breath-taking and interesting places and  I will be adding content to this page and hope that it helps you to enjoy your time in Korea as I have.