Monday, September 12, 2011

Hello everyone, probably really just one, hope you are having a great Chuseok Holiday! For my friends outside Korea, Chuseok is one of the biggest holidays in Korea. It is all about honoring your elders and ancestors, which happens to lead into my new page on Parks and Places to visit in and around Daejeon. Check out the new page and the information on Ppuri Park. I also added information on Wuri Park located in Yuseong Gu near the Homeplus on Hanbat Dae Road.  Be sure to get out and enjoy some of the Korean festivals or sports events and take advantage of the great fall weather.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Well, First let me say I am sorry for a date mistake. The folks in Yeongdong have decided to split the festivals this year so the date of the Grape Festival has changed to August 26 to 28. The Nangye Music Festival will be from October 6-9. They are also adding a Dried Persimmon Festival that has no dates but may coincide with the music festival. I will let you know what I find out. Hope you have a great time.

Monday, August 8, 2011

New School Year

A new school year has begun a TCIS and the first day brought winds from Typhoon Muifa and day two has brought rain... lots of rain. The forecast on the weather console in middle school says, "It's raining cats and dogs!" which is pretty accurate. Though we didn't get to move to Techno Valley we have much to be thankful for and need to give praise for the many ways that God has blessed us here at the beginning of the year. I hope this blog will be a blessing to those new and old that want to know about things to do here in Korea. Please forward any information that you think will add to the site. God Bless

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Home From the Holidays!

2011 has started with a bit of a chill in the air. My trip to Kansas City was fast (except for the four plus hours delay due to fog at the Incheon Airport in Korea) and sweet. It was great to see everyone and spend some time with the grandkids. Two weeks at Christmas time goes by pretty fast. I didn't get tome to visit some friends because of the hurried schedule but at least I will have time this summer since I have no classes to take, Yeah!! Of course no posting is a posting without some pictures to share and of course all you have to do is follow the link. If you think some of the pictures could be better just consider the subjects and give me a break.

Those of you not knowledgeable about Kansas City, the place with all the pretty lights is know as the Country Club Plaza which has been lighting the holiday season for over fifty years. Of course what is Christmas without family pictures? Enjoy my family, Mom and my sister Sue, my son Chris and his family, my daughter Rachel's family and Michelle's family.

I wish you all the best in the coming year. May you be found in the place you should be at the time you should be there doing what you should be doing. May you feel the love of God daily and take time to tell Him thanks for all he has and will provide for you, even when you don't deserve it (most of the time for me). Last, be sure to be God's hands extended and reach out to someone in need even when it does not fit your schedule or mood.

Blessings to all!