Sunday, September 8, 2013

Baekcheon Sa

Baekcheon Sa

This is a temple/shrine in the city of Sacheon. Its claim to fame is that is houses one of, if not the largest reclining Budda anywhere. It is located near the city hall on, as most temple are, a mountain that has no less than two manmade lakes along the road up to the temple site. Please feel free to check out the pics at this link. Baekcheon Sa

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Something New

The Suncheon Bay Area has been holding the Suncheon Bay Garden Expo Since the month of April, and will run through October 20th. Suncheon is located on the south coast of Korea near Yeosu. I have not had a chance to visit but plan to in the coming couple of weeks so I can give a personal review. Until then here is the link for you to look at on your own.

Suncheon Bay Garden Expo

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Maybe I Should Change the Name

Well it has been a while since I posted. I guess my move to Sacheon took me a while to adjust to. Now that I live in another place and not Daejeon the Daejeon Traveler may not seem accurate but I still like it. Anyway, it is the end of Summer in Korea and that means FESTIVALS. Korea has more festivals than you can shake a stick at... if you are into shaking sticks. I have a list of some of my favorites here and I am just hitting the tip of the iceberg.

With regrets I have to say that the Yeongdong Grape Festival is not as good as it was when held in conjunction with the Nangye (Traditional Music Festival) and wish they would change it back to the old format. But that's just me.

ALSO... I have moved to Sacheon and have created a new page for that area which includes Jinju and Changwan. Jinju is home to the annual Lantern Festival and Changwan is the sports center for the area. If you are in the Gyeongsangnam Do area be sure to check it out.

Get out and see the country. It's a beautiful place and a great time of the year to be living in Korea.