Monday, September 13, 2010

Wet September

Well, after one of the wettest August in Korean history, we have begun the month of September with what has to be one of the wettest first 14 days for the month. It did dry out enough to take in the annual Nangye and Grape Festival in Youngdong on the 4th. In fact for a day, it was actually bright and on the hot side, but you can see from the pics it was a good time for all that attended.

This weekend kicks off the annual Baekjae Kindom Festival held in Gongju and Buyeo. Pictures for that will be in the next entry. The middle school students took part in a Love-All-Serve-All (LASA) trip to the Nuri Center and got a little hands-on experience working with young people with various disabilities. Yes it rained most of the time but was a great experience for them.

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